Every child is different and unique. When children start our school they become part of our Sacred Heart family. We pride ourselves in knowing each child individually and celebrating their uniqueness, planning for their interests and creating next steps to achieve the upmost learning outcomes.
We value parent/carer contributions. Class Dojo allows us to work in partnership and share learning between school and home. When children start at Scared Heart, parent/carer accounts are set up to enable both school and parent/carers to share learning. If you have any questions about accessing or using your online account, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Early Years Team.
Here at Sacred Heart, we know that children learn best through their play so we carefully plan our curriculum and learning environment around overarching curriculum themes that follow our progressive bespoke curriculum; promotes enquiry, explores learning to embed skills and knowledge and values play opportunities to engage the children to encourage them to express their new learning.
In Reception we ensure that all children are given a curriculum which is broad and balanced, promoting their emotional, social, physical and emotional needs. We create a stimulating and inviting learning environment where all children’s interests and learning are built upon. We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. The curriculum covers 7 areas that underpin all future learning. We believe that children learn best by playing and exploring, being active, and through creative and critical thinking which takes place both indoors and outside. We approach all elements of our curriculum through play-based experiences, engaging children in fun and exciting opportunities for learning, carefully supported by our EYFS staff.
Our Learning Environment
At Scared Heart, we aim to create an engaging and stimulating learning environment where children feel confident, secure and challenged. Play based learning is paramount to us and we believe very strongly in allowing our children to direct their own learning from carefully planned opportunities provided by staff. Staff play alongside the children, observing, modelling and extending their play to provide challenge and constant learning opportunities. Our environments are organised well to allow children to be independent learners and children are encouraged to make decisions as to what they would like to learn about and finding the answers to their own questions.
The children have daily access to an indoor and outdoor environment that is set up into areas of learning with planned continuous provision along with open ended resources. Outdoor learning is an important part of the Foundation Stage Curriculum. We optimise our outdoor learning spaces to encourage creative exploration and learning in a safe and secure area. By giving the children the opportunity to explore, freedom to move and find out about the world around them.