Current Governors
A School Governing Committee has many statutory duties in ensuring that pupils receive the best education possible. They have to work with the Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust to decide on an effective framework (aims, plans and policies) which will enable the Head Teacher to manage the school and Staff to carry out their duties.
In order to do this the Governors have to carry out three key roles :-
First the Strategic Role: Agreeing the vision and aims of the school, and deciding on plans and policies that will help achieve that vision.
Second: Being a Critical Friend to the school: checking on progress of plans and effectiveness of policies; and knowing the school.
Third, Accountability: The Governing Committee has to hold the school to account by asking questions and receiving reports from the Head Teacher on progress. Also the Governing Body is held to account by the Local Authority and Ofsted.
At Sacred Heart Primary we do our best to fulfil our roles as Governors. Meetings are very well attended and everyone participates in discussions etc. Where possible Governors attend school events and support the school by assisting on projects when asked. We are committed to upholding the Catholic Ethos of our school and providing a safe and happy place for the pupils of Sacred Heart, where they can achieve their potential.
The structure of the membership ensures there are strong links with the parish and the wider community:
Barbara Brown Head Teacher
Hannah Rutledge Deputy Head Teacher (Staff Governor)
Liz McLellan Foundation Governor (Chair of Governors)
Wendy Dowling Foundation Governor (Vice Chair of Governors)
Daniel Drozdzewski Foundation Governor
Joe Murray Foundation Governor
Lucy Thompson Foundation Governor
Kathryn Dimambro Foundation Governor
Brad Channer Parent Governor
Clare Bureau Associate Governor