
Mathematics teaches children how to make sense of the world around them through developing their ability to use number, calculate, reason and solve problems. It helps children to understand relationships and patterns in both number and space in their everyday lives.

At Sacred Heart we aim to deliver a Mathematics curriculum which is bold, provides breadth and balance and be relevant and differentiated to suit the needs of all of our children in the modern world. It should be flexible, motivating for all pupils, thus encouraging success at all levels.

Two of the really useful things that teachers have shared with families recently are the ONE MINUTE MATHS from White Rose & the CGP flashcards for maths facts and Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation for each year group from Y3 to Y6.
The ONE MINUTE MATHS is a free app for phones, tablets or laptops. Children work independently to help children build number confidence and fluency through engaging one minute maths activities. Regular daily practice is proven to improve children's recall at all levels. The App is suitable for all children, it starts at a really basic level but quickly develops higher order skills which are essential to achieve in all year groups right up to Y6.
CGP flashcards for Maths and Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation are full of plenty of helpful tips which will show you the content that your child is expected to learn for their year group. The flashcards have questions on the front and answers on the back, where the children can work through t their own pace or you can support your child by getting involved in quizzing. These two packs are £3.50 each are available to buy at the school office.