Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

Important information about Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) this term:



In line with our RSE curriculum, this term your child will continue to learn about healthy relationships and how to keep themselves safe. We have broken the topics down below by year group for your information in response to parental feedback asking us to clarify what children are learning in RSE.

We know that some families like to have advance warning of what will be taught so that they can be prepared for any questions their children may have. PLEASE NOTE, all of the following topics and lessons are taught at an age-appropriate level and in line with our Catholic ethos. You can access the lessons and read about what your child will be taught in detail using the log in information at the bottom of this post.


Years 1 and 2:

What constitutes appropriate and inappropriate behaviour and how this may affect others Good and bad secrets - how to resist pressure when feeling unsafe Bodily privacy - PANTS 'what's covered by your underwear is private' (NSPCC) Harmful substances - medicines, smoking and alcohol


Years 3 and 4:

When things feel bad - recognising harrassment and exploitation in relationships Online safety - keeping safe online and behaving appropriately online (the risks of taking photographs and posting them online) Safe in my body - acceptable and unacceptable physical contact Harmful substances - drugs, smoking and alcohol


Years 5 and 6:

Consent and bodily autonomy - the right to say no to anything that makes you feel uncomfortable (please note, this is NOT in a sexual context) Self-talk - how your thoughts and feelings impact on your actions Increased independence and safety online Acceptable and unacceptable forms of physical contact - this topic touches on abuse in a very sensitive and age-appropriate way Dangers of drugs, smoking and alcohol.


If you would like to review the lessons yourself, please use the following log in details:

School Username: sacred-heart-ne4

School Password: soccer-world

When you access the website, click on 'Life to the Full for Primary schools' to explore the programme further.

March 8, 2022