School Mission Statement

"Be humble, be simple, bring joy to others."

Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat


Sacred Heart Primary School’ has a clear mission, ‘To share God’s love with our students and to inspire them to share that love with the world.’


Implicit in our philosophy as a Catholic School, rooted in the educational tradition of the Society of the Sacred Heart, is the belief that each child is individual, unique and deserving of love, care and the opportunity to develop his/her full potential.

Within this context, the school aims:

  • to work in close co operation with parents, priests and the parish community in leading children to a living faith, based on the Gospel of Jesus Christ,
  • to make prayer, worship and liturgy real educational experiences and to foster and develop in each individual of the school community, a living, active and personal faith,
  • to ensure that children's experiences of relationships within the school has a formative and significant influence on their personal development,
  • to nurture a positive self image, encourage self confidence, and self discipline thereby contributing to their well being and happiness and their genuine concern and respect for others,
  • to stimulate the idea of learning as a life long process and through a range of experiences, to help children to think for themselves and to be involved in their own learning,
  • to plan in such a way that the curriculum is broad, balanced, and relevant and allows each child to grow according to his/her own need in the acquisition of skills, knowledge and understanding within the core and foundation subjects of the National Curriculum,
  • to encourage the children to appreciate and evaluate their environment, past and present and to anticipate the consequences of today's choices for tomorrow's world,
  • to raise an awareness of present day social needs in the local, national and global communities and to promote concern for justice, peace and tolerance
  • to develop respect for other races, religions and cultures,
  • to appreciate that all staff, teaching and non teaching make a valuable contribution towards every aspect of the school community and to encourage their ongoing professional development.