Home Learning

4th May 2020
Following the announcement by the government, school be be closed from Friday 20th March for MOST children.  
Please see the letters below which set out work that the children can do whilst at home.  Learning of course is not limited to that which is listed and I know that any of you will have an array of enjoyable and creative ideas for the children to do.
During this time away from school I want us to support each other.  Please upload your  pictures or videos onto our Twitter account and let's flood it with positivity, where we can hopefully inspire each other to find ways to get trough this unprecedented time.
Twitter   @SHPS_Fenham
We hope that home learning is going well.  Remember to do whatever works for you as a family - there are no right and wrong ways to do things and you will have to find what works best for your own families. 
Please look at your child's class blog for ideas and extra information the teachers have included.
Useful online learning online learning sites:
Oak National Academy
BBC daily home learning lessons
Writing with Jane Considine
Maths with White Rose Hub (from EYFS to Y6)
Timetables Rockstars
Music with Myleene Kiass
Music with Ollie Tunmer - body percussion
Music with Rock Kidz UK
Science with Maddie Moate
PE with Joe Wicks
Dance with Oti Mabuse
Ruth Miskin Phonics
Dough Disco
Squiggle while you wiggle with Shonette Bason-Wood